© JASNA-NYM 2024

Contact Us

JASNA New York Metro’s all-volunteer leadership team can be reached at jasnany@yahoo.com. We’re always looking for new volunteers, so if you’d like to get involved, drop us a line!

We also invite you to submit Austen-related happenings to the “Jane About Town” community calendar on our Meetings and Events page. In those listings, we tend to prioritize in-person gatherings in and near New York City, as well as online events that involve our local JASNA members.

Click here to become a member of JASNA New York Metro.

“I am not at all in a humour for writing; I must write on till I am.”


Join Our Mailing List

Becoming a part of the JASNA New York Metro email list is the easiest way to keep informed of local Austen-related happenings.